Sep 2, 2015- A three-day TechCamp Nepal event which aims to bring civil society organisations working on migration and trafficking issues together with local and international technology experts to find low-cost, easy-to-implement technology solutions to help Nepali migrant workers kicked off in the Capital on Tuesday.
The event was organised by the US Embassy in Kathmandu in partnership with the State Department and Humanity United, and in cooperation with ACE College.
According to the embassy, Microsoft Innovation Center, Facebook/, businesses and entrepreneurs, civil society groups, migrant workers and government representatives from the US, Nepal and Qatar will participate in the TechCamp Nepal event to help workers better protect themselves at home and where they work.
“Nepal’s migrant workers constitute a driving force in Nepal’s economy. The US government supports efforts to reduce the risk of abuse and exploitation that Nepal’s migrant workers face overseas,” said John L Carwile, chargé d’affaires, during his remarks at TechCamp Nepal’s opening.
US embassy holds TechCamp